The Milesian Calendar laboratory
The applications developped starting from the concept of Milesian calendar may be seen here. Software and JSDoc documentation files are grouped in this repository. These applications use the calendrical-javascript package (see further).
GitHub repository
The complete Milesian clock
Read the real date and the time, convert from and to custom calendars, display custom and Unicode calendars get the mean moon's coordinates, the seasons, and the yearly main figures in historical Gregorian, ISO 8601, Julian and Milesian calendars.
The date converter
Convert from basic European calendars to any Unicode calendar.
Yearly figures
Compute the yearly characteristics figures: seasons, Delta T, and calendrical basic data.
The light Milesian clock
This simple clocks sticks to the system's time and gives the date on a Milesian dial.
Just display today's date in Milesian using your current Locale
Write today's date in Milesian, after fetching the modules and the pldr.xml file:
Calendrical computations and Date object extension
The most advanced version of this submodule may be found at GitHub Page of calendrical-javascript.
Comments and proposal
Use this repository's issues.