/** Calendar clock handler.
Operations on a solar calendar clock - set clock hands to angle corresponding to solar date in year.
May handle month, day, hour, minute and second hands. All hands do not need to exist.
* @module
* @require module:extdate
* @require module:calendar
* @require module:seasons
* @version M2022-02-10
* @author Louis A. de Fouquières https://github.com/Louis-Aime
* @license MIT 2016-2022
// Character set is UTF-8
/* Version M2022-02-10 Adapt to seasons and lunar modules
M2022-02-03 JSDoc
M2021-08-02 Add a dragon hand
M2021-07-29 adapt to calendrical Javascript
M2021-02-15 Use as module, with calendrical-javascript modules
Group routines in a same module
Define clock as class
Month is 1 .. 12, not 0 .. 11
Display year number with a minimum of 3 digits,
Suppress deprecated SolarYearClockHands
Use strict
M2019-11-30: add seasons
M2018-11-28: enhancement on lunar: fetch centre and radius of SVG moondisk.
M2018-11-24: add lunar
M2018-11-11: Change name, JSDocs comments
M2018-10-26: enhance comments
M2017-12-26: add year indication, and change parameters list
M2017-11-07: add an "am/pm" indicator
/* Copyright Louis A. de Fouquières https://github.com/Louis-Aime 2016-2022
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
the following conditions:
1. The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
2. Changes with respect to any former version shall be documented.
The software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind,
express of implied, including but not limited to the warranties of
merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement.
In no event shall the authors of copyright holders be liable for any
claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract,
tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software
or the use or other dealings in the software.
"use strict";
import { default as ExtDate } from './extdate.js';
import {MilesianCalendar} from './calendars.js';
import { tropicEvent } from './seasons.js';
const milesian = new MilesianCalendar ("seasmilesian");
/** Elements of any clock object. Missing elements shall not be used.
* @since M2021-08-27
* @typedef {Object} Clock
* @property {Element} yearDisplay - where the year shall be displayed.
* @property {Object} clockhand - the hands of the clock. Any missing hand will not be used.
* @property {Element} clockhand.month - a hand to be rotated, indicates the month.
* @property {Element} clockhand.day - a hand to be rotated, indicates the day in month.
* @property {Element} clockhand.hour - a hand to be rotated, indicates the hour (12 hours dial).
* @property {Element} clockhand.minute - a hand to be rotated, the minute of time.
* @property {Element} clockhand.second - a hand to be rotated, the second of time.
* @property {Element} clockhand.dragon - a hand to be rotated, represents the dragon i.e. the lunar nodes.
* @property {Object} centre - same elements as clockhand, the centre of the respective hands.
* @property {Element} ampm - where "am" or "pm" shall be indicated.
* @property {Object} seasonmark - the season marks on the dial. The centre is centre.month.
* @property {Element} seasonmark.winter - the season mark for winter.
* @property {Element} seasonmark.spring - the season mark for spring.
* @property {Element} seasonmark.summer - the seasonmark for summer.
* @property {Element} seasonmark.autumn - the season mark for autumn.
* @property {Object} moon - the moon elements.
* @property {Element} moon.moondisk - a disk (centre and radius), the lit moon as in fullmoon.
* @property {Element} moon.moonphase - a disk that represents the "path" shaded part on the moon.
@param {Clock} clock - a graphical object as described in type section.
export class SolarClock {
constructor (clock) {
this.clock = clock; // The dial and the elements to be moved
/** Set hands on the clock.
* @param {Date } displayDate - the reference date (UTC instant).
* @param {string} [TZ=""] - the time zone code, system time zone if not transmitted.
* @param {Date} caputDate - the date that caput dragonis hand should show.
* @param {boolean} [continous=false] - if set, day and month hands shall move continuously during the day, if not, day, month and dragon hands move by one day quantum.
* @return {number} number of half-days since beginning of year.
setHands (displayDate, TZ = "", caput = displayDate, continuous = false) {
// (year = undefined, month = 1, day = 1, hour = 24, minute = 0, second = 0, dragonMonth, dragonDay, continuous = false)
const timeUnits = ["month", "day", "hour", "minute", "second", "dragon"] ; // the time units enumerated.
var clockDate = new ExtDate (milesian, displayDate.valueOf()),
clockCaput = new ExtDate (milesian, caput.valueOf()),
dateFields = clockDate.getFields (TZ), dragonFields = clockCaput.getFields(TZ),
[ year, month, day, hour, minute, second ] // dragonMonth, dragonDay
= [ dateFields.year, dateFields.month, dateFields.day, dateFields.hours, dateFields.minutes, dateFields.seconds ];
let halfDays = 60*(--month) + 2*Math.floor(month/2)
+ (continuous ? 2*(day-1) + (hour + minute/60 + second/3600)/12 : 2*day),
dragon = dragonFields.month == undefined || dragonFields.day == undefined ? 0 :
(60 * (--dragonFields.month) + 2*Math.floor(dragonFields.month/2) + 2*dragonFields.day) * 360 / 732;
// Number of half-days since beginning of year, at beginning of day i.e. at THE END of that day if no hour specified.
let angle = { // set of angle values
"month" : halfDays * 360 / 732, // Angle of month hand with respect to vertical upright
"day" : halfDays * 360 * 12 / 732, // Angle of day hand with respect to vertical upright
"hour" : hour*30 + minute/2,
"minute" : minute*6+second/10,
"second" : second*6,
"dragon" : dragon
// Use SVG interfaces to set angles. Forced to use "getItem" instead of a simple [] array call, because of MS Edge (and probably Safari)
for ( let i = 0; i < timeUnits.length; i++ ) { // for all time units...
let theHand = this.clock.querySelector(".clockhand."+timeUnits[i]); // Find hand for this unit in this clock
let theCenter = this.clock.querySelector(".center."+timeUnits[i]); // Find the center of the hand
if (theHand != null)
let theAmPm = this.clock.querySelector(".ampm"); // Select the am/pm indicator, check whether existing.
if (theAmPm != null) theAmPm.innerHTML = (hour > 11 ? "pm" : "am"); // hour is 0 to 23. "am" from 0 to 11, "pm" from 12 to 23.
let theYear = this.clock.querySelector(".yeardisplay"); // Select the year field, check whether existing.
if (theYear != null) theYear.innerHTML = Number.isInteger(year) ?
new Intl.NumberFormat (undefined, {minimumIntegerDigits : 3, useGrouping : false}).format(year)
: "";
return halfDays; // control the computation parameters with the return value
/** Mark the dates of solstices and equinox on the dial of the clock.
* @since M2019-08-23 (revised for typos M2019-11-30.
* @param {number} year - year for which the seasons are set.
* @return {boolean} true if seasons have been computed, false otherwise.
setSeasons (year) {
markList = ["winter", "spring", "summer", "autumn"],
theCenter = this.clock.querySelector(".center.month"),
success = true;
try {
for (let i = 0; i < markList.length ; i++) {
let wdate = new ExtDate (milesian,tropicEvent(year,i));
let m = wdate.month()-1;
let theMark = this.clock.querySelector(".seasonmark."+markList[i]);
let angle = (m * 30 + Math.floor(m/2) + wdate.day()) * 60.0 / 61.0;
if (theMark != null)
catch (error) {
success = false;
let angle = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < markList.length ; i++) {
let theMark = this.clock.querySelector(".seasonmark."+markList[i]);
if (theMark != null)
return success;
/** Set SVG display as to Moon age.
* @param {number} phase - phase, in radians (2 * PI is one lunar cycle).
* @return {number} the return value of the setAttribute function applied to this.moon.moonphase.
setMoonPhase (phase) { // a "moon" object is a child of this.
let moon = this.clock.querySelector(".moon");
if (moon == undefined) return "";
if (phase < 0) throw "Out of bounds";
// Which of the four main phase of the moon (0 to 3)
quart = Math.floor (2*phase / Math.PI),
// moon disk object
moonDisk = moon.querySelector(".moondisk"),
// reference radius of the moon circle
scaleRadius = moonDisk.getAttribute("r"),
// starting point, from the reference moon circle
sx = moonDisk.getAttribute ("cx"), sy = moonDisk.getAttribute ("cy")-scaleRadius,
// computed radius of the circle used for the moon phase
secondRadius = scaleRadius/Math.max(0.01,Math.abs(Math.cos(phase))),
// d attribute of path SVG object
pathstring = "M " + sx + " " + sy
+ " a " + secondRadius +" " + secondRadius + " 0 0 "
+ (quart % 2 == 0 ? 1 : 0) + " 0 " + 2*scaleRadius
+ " a " + scaleRadius + " " + scaleRadius + " 0 0 "
+ (quart % 4 < 2 ? 1 : 0) + " 0 " + -2*scaleRadius + " z" ;
return moon.querySelector(".moonphase").setAttribute("d",pathstring);