Year Signature of Julian, Gregorian and Milesian calendars
Each function returns a compound value with the yearly key figures for the Julian, Gregorian of Milesian calendar.
- Version:
- M2022-12-15
- License:
- MIT 2016-2022
- Source:
- module:calendrical-javascript/chronos.Cbcce
- module:calendrical-javascript/calendars.JulianCalendar
- module:calendrical-javascript/calendars.GregorianCalendar
(static) gregorianSignature(year) → {signature}
key figures of a year of the Gregorian calendar
Name | Type | Description |
year |
number | Algebraic integer year of Dionysos era. |
- Source:
key figures for the year.
- Type
- signature
(static) julianSignature(year) → {signature}
key figures of a year of the Julian calendar
Name | Type | Description |
year |
number | Algebraic integer year of Dionysos era. |
- Source:
key figures for the year.
- Type
- signature
(static) milesianSignature(year) → {signature}
key figures of a year of the Milesian calendar. Mostly Gregorian figures.
Name | Type | Description |
year |
number | Algebraic integer year of Dionysos era. |
- Source:
key figures for the year.
- Type
- signature
Type Definitions
Structure of the returned object.
Name | Type | Description |
doomsday |
number | the index doomsday or "clavedi" for the year, i.e. the index of weekday of "0 March", 21 March and other pivotal dates. |
dominicalLetter |
string | the key figure for weekday computations after the Roman method, corresponds to the day of the first Sunday in the year. |
gold |
number | year modulo 19, a key figure for Moon and Easter computation, a 0-18 integer. |
goldNumber |
number | the Gold Number, i.e. gold + 1. |
epact |
number | the age of the moon one day before first day of the year and also one day before 1 March, a 0-29 integer. |
easterResidue |
number | the number of days from 21st March to computus next full moon, a 0-29 integer. |
easterOffset |
number | the number of days from 21st March to Easter Sunday, result of Easter computation. |
isLeap |
boolean | whether this year is a leap year (366 days long). |
easterDate |
Object | the complete Easter date for that year. |
- Source: