/** Lunar computations for calendars
* @module
* @requires module:deltat
* @requires module:time-units.js
* @requires module:chronos
* @requires module:extdate
* @version M2022-02-10
* @author Louis A. de Fouquières https://github.com/Louis-Aime
* @license MIT 2016-2022
// Character set is UTF-8
/* Version M2022-02-10 Export each function instead of an object
M2022-02-03 Suppress link to non-used modules, update JSdoc
Correct usage of Delta T; was wrongly used/
Set Draco parameters after studying the referential of eclipses: no false negative.
M2021-08-26 Tune Draco parameters (probably not last attempt)
M2021-08-20 Refer to deltat instead of aggregate, isolate internal functions.
M2021-08-06 Tune Draco on a small sample of eclipses.
M2021-08-01 Group lunar data and organise Draconitic data, update comments
M2021-07-29 import getDeltaT (through aggregates)
M2021-07-26 adapt to new module architecture
M2021-03-11 Update formula for average Delta D after Morrison and Stephenson 2021, and draconitic data
M2021-02-15 Use as module, with calendrical-javascript modules
M2021-01-06 adapt to new chronos
M2020-12-29 Embedd in one object
Use new Chronos object (now Cbcce)
Use ExtDate object
M2020-01-12 : strict mode
M2019-07-27 : adapt to getRealTZmsOffset located in another package
M2018-11-16 : adapt to TZ in ms rather than in mn
M2018-11-12 : JSdoc comments + add dacronitic routines
M2018-11-10 : new value for draconitic cycle, found in Wikipedia
M2018-10-26 : fix typos
M2018-05-28 : enhanced comments and add a more lunar calendar functions
M2017-12-26 : replace names.
/* Copyright Louis A. de Fouquières https://github.com/Louis-Aime 2016-2022
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
the following conditions:
1. The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
2. Changes with respect to any former version shall be documented.
The software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind,
express of implied, including but not limited to the warranties of
merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement.
In no event shall the authors of copyright holders be liable for any
claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract,
tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software
or the use or other dealings in the software.
"use strict";
import { default as getDeltaT } from './deltat.js';
import { default as Milliseconds } from './time-units.js';
import {Cbcce} from './chronos.js';
import {default as ExtDate} from './extdate.js';
/* 1. A class for computations using Terrestrial Time
/** Computations of astronomical cycles using Terrestrial Time (TT) and conversion to UTC through Delta_T adjustement.
* UTC = TT - Delta T, and TT = UTC + Delta T.
* @private
* @class
* @param params - the object passed to Cbbcce representing the astronomical calendar, e.g. a calendar in moonmonths.
class astroCalend { //
constructor (params) {
this.clockwork = new Cbcce ( params )
/** This function gives the astronomical coordinates at an UTC date. The date is first converted to a TT instant.
* Using getRealTZmsOffset(TZ) converts the wallclock time into UTC, in such a way that lunar dates change when dates change locally.
* @param {Date} theDate - UTC date for the astronomical event. It is converted into a TT date before decomposing into astronomical cycle.
* @param {string} [TZ="UTC"] - Time zone code, if astronomical date is to be shifted to a wallclock time. Passed to getRealTZmsOffset(TZ).
* @return {Object} the date in astronomical units (e.g. in moonmonths and days) in the astronomical calendar.
astroCoordinates = function (theDate, TZ="UTC") {
// theDate is an UTC date.
return this.clockwork.getObject (theDate.getTime() - theDate.getRealTZmsOffset(TZ) + getDeltaT(theDate))
/** This function gives the UTC date of an astronomical (lunar, ...), e.g. a moon month and the time since new moon.
* The date is first computed as a TT instant, then converted into an UTC date-time, and finally shifted as local time if necessary.
* @param {Object} theFields - the TT date expressed in astronomical terms (e.g. moonmonth + time since new moon).
* @param {String} [TZ="UTC"] - Time zone code, if Date to be shifted to a local wallclock time. Passed to getRealTZmsOffset(TZ).
* @return {Date} Corresponding date in UTC scale, possibly shifted after TZ.
UTCDate = function (theFields, TZ="UTC") {
// The date of an astronominal event (lunar or other)
let instant = this.clockwork.getNumber (theFields),
myDate = new ExtDate ("iso8601", instant);
return new Date (instant - getDeltaT (myDate) + myDate.getRealTZmsOffset(TZ))
/* Astronomical data for calendrical computations.
YEAR = 31556952000, // Length of a mean year used as UTC time reference, here the Gregorian mean year
TEMPERED_YEAR_REF = 945820800000, // Convention: 1 1m 2000 0 h UTC (22/12/1999).
MEAN_LUNAR_YEAR = 30617314500, // the length of 12 lunar months.
MEAN_LUNAR_MONTH = 2551442875, // the length of a mean lunar month.
MEAN_SIDERAL_MOON_MONTH = 2360594880, // One mean sideral moon month (27,3217 days).
NEW_MOON_REF = -62167873955000, // Mean new moon of 3 1m 0 at 10:07:25 Terrestrial Time.
CAPUT_DRACONIS_REF = 1297296000000, // 22 2m 2011 00:00 UTC, date of caput draconis at begin of cycle, synchro at the Gregorian year of origin 1 1m 2000.
DRACO_CYCLE = 587355840000, // Time for the dragon to make a complete revolution up to the same mean Gregorian place. Estimated from farest eclipses to 6798,1 days.
DRACO_RADIUS = 21.1 * Milliseconds.DAY_UNIT, // the half-length of each "eclipse season", each side of the caput or the cauda.
/** CBCCE parameters for the time counter in year + phase.
* @private
Tempered_year_params = {
timeepoch : TEMPERED_YEAR_REF,
coeff : [
{cyclelength : YEAR , ceiling : Infinity, subCycleShift : 0, multiplier : 1, target : "year"}, // one regular year, always the same duration.
{cyclelength : 1, ceiling : Infinity, subCycleShift : 0, multiplier : 1, target : "phase"} // one millisecond
canvas : [
{name : "year", init : 2000},
{name : "phase", init : 0}
/** CBCCE parameters to be used with a Unix timestamp in ms. Decompose into moon years, moon months and fractional moon age.
* Reference date is 3 1m 0 at 10:07:25 Terrestrial Time, using the quadratic estimation of Delta T.
* @private
CE_Moon_params = { //
timeepoch : NEW_MOON_REF,
coeff : [
{cyclelength : MEAN_LUNAR_YEAR, ceiling : Infinity, subCycleShift : 0, multiplier : 1, target : "year"}, // this cycle length is 12 mean lunar months
{cyclelength : MEAN_LUNAR_MONTH, ceiling : Infinity, subCycleShift : 0, multiplier : 1, target : "month"}, // this cycle length is one mean lunar month
{cyclelength : Milliseconds.DAY_UNIT, ceiling : Infinity, subCycleShift : 0, multiplier : 1, target : "age"}, // one day
{cyclelength : 1, ceiling : Infinity, subCycleShift : 0, multiplier : 1.157407407E-8, target : "age"} // one millisecond
canvas : [
{name : "year", init : 0},
{name : "month", init : 1},
{name : "age", init : 0}
/** CBCCE parameters to be used with a Unix timestamp in ms. Decompose into moon years, moon months, integer moon age, and milliseconds
* Reference date is 3 1m 0 at 10:07:25 Terrestrial Time, using the quadratic estimation of Delta T.
* @private
CE_Lunar_params = {
timeepoch : NEW_MOON_REF,
coeff : [
{cyclelength : MEAN_LUNAR_YEAR, ceiling : Infinity, subCycleShift : 0, multiplier : 1, target : "year"}, // this cycle length is 12 mean lunar months
{cyclelength : MEAN_LUNAR_MONTH, ceiling : Infinity, subCycleShift : 0, multiplier : 1, target : "month"}, // this cycle length is one mean lunar month
{cyclelength : Milliseconds.DAY_UNIT, ceiling : Infinity, subCycleShift : 0, multiplier : 1, target : "day"}, // one day
{cyclelength : 1, ceiling : Infinity, subCycleShift : 0, multiplier : 1, target : "time"} // one millisecond
canvas : [
{name : "year", init : 0},
{name : "month", init : 1},
{name : "day", init : 1},
{name : "time", init : 0}
} ,
/** CBCCE parameters to be used with a Unix timestamp in ms. Decompose into moon month, and phase in milliseconds
* Reference date is 3 1m 0 at 10:07:25 Terrestrial Time, using the quadratic estimation of Delta T.
* @private
Moon_Phase_params = {
timeepoch : NEW_MOON_REF,
coeff : [
{cyclelength : MEAN_LUNAR_MONTH, ceiling : Infinity, subCycleShift : 0, multiplier : 1, target : "month"}, // this cycle length is one mean lunar month
{cyclelength : 1, ceiling : Infinity, subCycleShift : 0, multiplier : 1, target : "phase"} // in milliseconds
canvas : [
{name : "month", init : 0},
{name : "phase", init : 0}
} ,
/** CBCCE parameters to be used in order to change lunar calendar epoch, without changing lunar age.
* Usage of this parameter set: change between Common Era and Hegirian moon calendar, 7688 lunar month offset.
* timeepoch base is 0.
* @private
Lunar_Year_Month_Params = {
timeepoch : 0,
coeff : [
{cyclelength : 12, ceiling : Infinity, subCycleShift : 0, multiplier : 1, target : "year"},
{cyclelength : 1, ceiling : Infinity, subCycleShift : 0, multiplier : 1, target : "month"}
canvas : [
{name : "year", init :0},
{name : "month", init : 1}
/** CBCCE parameters for the Draconitic cycle with respect to the reference year.
* @private
Solar_Draconitic_Params = {
coeff : [
{cyclelength : DRACO_CYCLE, ceiling : Infinity, subCycleShift : 0, multiplier : 1, target : "cycle"}, // one cycle of Draco on the ecliptic
{cyclelength : 1, ceiling : Infinity, subCycleShift : 0, multiplier : 1, target : "phase"} // one milliseconds
canvas : [
{name : "cycle", init : 0},
{name : "phase", init : 0}
/** Conversion from Posix timestamp to days + milliseconds in day, and the reverse, with CBCCE
* @private
Day_milliseconds = { // To convert a time or a duration to and from days + milliseconds in day.
timeepoch : 0,
coeff : [ // to be used with a Unix timestamp in ms. Decompose into days and milliseconds in day.
{cyclelength : Milliseconds.DAY_UNIT, ceiling : Infinity, subCycleShift : 0, multiplier : 1, target : "day_number"},
{cyclelength : 1, ceiling : Infinity, subCycleShift : 0, multiplier : 1, target : "milliseconds_in_day"}
canvas : [
{name : "day_number", init : 0},
{name : "milliseconds_in_day", init : 0},
/* 3. Class instantiations
TemperedCalend = new astroCalend (Tempered_year_params), // Instant expressed in (tropical_year; ms)
CEMoon = new astroCalend (CE_Moon_params), // Lunar year, month (1..12), decimal age.
CELunar = new astroCalend (CE_Lunar_params), // Lunar year, month (1..12), day, time in day in ms.
MoonPhase = new astroCalend (Moon_Phase_params), // Lunar month, moon phase in ms.
SolarDraco = new astroCalend (Solar_Draconitic_Params), // Number of draconitic cycles since CAPUT_DRACONIS_REF, phase in cycle in ms
LunarCalend = new Cbcce (Lunar_Year_Month_Params), // (Lunar_year; month) <> lunar_month
DayMSCalend = new Cbcce (Day_milliseconds); // Timestamp <> (Day; ms)
/* 4. Exported functions
/** The date in the tempered tropical year, i.e. the date from the instant of the last winter solstice.
* @param {Date} theDate - UTC date.
* @return {Object} Year and milliseconds in year.
export function getTemperedDate (theDate) {
return TemperedCalend.astroCoordinates (theDate);
/** The complete moon date coordinate at this date and time UTC. Moon age may change during a calendar day.
* Origin morning of 3 1m 000
* an adjustement to Terrestrial Time (TT) is applied
* @instance
* @param {Date} theDate - UTC date.
* @return {Object} Lunar date with age as a decimal figure {year: integer, month: integer, age: decimal number}.
export function getCEMoonDate (theDate, TZ) { // This a calendar, result depends on TZ
return CEMoon.astroCoordinates (theDate, TZ);
/** The lunar Milesian era calendar date coordinate at this date, 0h UTC. First day of this calendar is 4 1m 000
* First day of this lunar calendar is on 4 1m 000, and is expressed day 1 month 1 year 0.
* an adjustement to Terrestrial Time (TT) is applied
* @param {Date} theDate - UTC date.
* @return {Object} Lunar date {year: number, month: number, day: integer number (1 to 30) }.
export function getCELunarDate (theDate, TZ) { // The lunar date coordinate at this date,
let refDate = new ExtDate ("iso8601", theDate.valueOf() - theDate.getRealTZmsOffset(TZ));
refDate.setUTCHours(0,0,0,0); // Set to same UTC date at 0h
return CELunar.astroCoordinates (refDate);
/** The complete moon date coordinate at this date and time UTC. Moon age may change during a calendar day.
* Origin is evening of 25 7m 622
* an adjustment to Terrestrial Time (TT) is applied
* @param {Date} theDate - UTC date.
* @return {Object} Lunar date with age as a decimal figure {year: integer, month: integer, age: decimal number}.
export function getHegirianMoonDate (theDate, TZ) {
let moonDate = CEMoon.astroCoordinates (theDate, TZ);
let age = moonDate.age ;
moonDate = LunarCalend.getObject (LunarCalend.getNumber (moonDate) - HEGIRIAN_TO_CE_LUNAR_MONTH_OFFSET);
return { 'year' : moonDate.year , 'month' : moonDate.month , 'age' : age};
/** The lunar "mean" Hegirian calendar date coordinate at this date, 0h UTC.
* First day of this lunar calendar is on 26 7m 622, and is expressed day 1 month 1 year 1.
* It corresponds to 1 9 641 of CE lunar calendar
* an adjustment to Terrestrial Time (TT) is applied
* @param {Date} theDate - UTC date.
* @return {Object } Lunar date {{year: number, month: number, date: number (1 to 30)}
export function getHegirianLunarDate (theDate, TZ) {
let moonDate = this.getCELunarDate (theDate, TZ);
let lunarDay = moonDate.day;
moonDate = LunarCalend.getObject (LunarCalend.getNumber (moonDate) - HEGIRIAN_TO_CE_LUNAR_MONTH_OFFSET);
return { 'year' : moonDate.year , 'month' : moonDate.month , 'day' : lunarDay}
/* getLunarTime was deprecated. Take time section of getLunarDateTime. is such that the moon is at the same place in the sky that the sun at this time, the same day;
/** Angle between the moon position and the sun position.
* @param {Date} theDate - UTC date.
* @return {number} delay to add to current time in order to get lunar time
export function getLunarSunTimeAngle (theDate) {
let msOffset =
- Math.round(Milliseconds.DAY_UNIT * MoonPhase.astroCoordinates (theDate, "UTC").phase / MEAN_LUNAR_MONTH);
return DayMSCalend.getObject (msOffset).milliseconds_in_day ;
/** Lunar date and time is such that the moon is at the same place on the Ecliptic that the sun at that date and time.
* The moon is rising for lunar dates from 1 1m to 31 6m, falling for lunar dates from 1 7m to last day of the year.
* @param {Date} theDate - UTC date.
* @return {Date} Instant that corresponds to the Lunar date.
* Note that the time of the returned instant is the lunar time. When getting this time, DST applies following lunar Date.
export function getLunarDateTime (theDate) {
// Each of the Sun's (mean) position on the Ecliptic circle is identified with the number of days since Winter solstice: 0 to 364.
let thisAge = this.getCEMoonDate(theDate, "UTC").age;
// Date where the Sun shall be at the Moon's present position on the Ecliptic: add to the date of new moon a conversion of the age of moon to the SUN's cycle.
let lunarDate = new Date (theDate.valueOf() + Math.round((((thisAge * YEAR / MEAN_SIDERAL_MOON_MONTH) % YEAR) - thisAge) * Milliseconds.DAY_UNIT));
// Lunar time: the time is shifted back by the moon's age, converted in the day cycle.
let lunarTime = new Date (theDate.valueOf() - thisAge * Milliseconds.DAY_UNIT * Milliseconds.DAY_UNIT / MEAN_LUNAR_MONTH);
lunarDate.setUTCHours (lunarTime.getUTCHours(), lunarTime.getUTCMinutes(), lunarTime.getUTCSeconds())
return lunarDate;
/** Estimate dates of caput draconis and of cauda draconis that wrap the given date.
* @param {Date} theDate - UTC date.
* @return {Array} two dates and a Boolean: caput draconis, cauda draconis (both within same year), and whether eclipse season is running.
export function getDraconiticNodes (theDate) { // This a non-TZ concept. The date generated may be interpreted with a time-zone.
dracoYear = theDate.getUTCFullYear() + 1, //new ExtDate(milesian, theDate.valueOf()).year("UTC") + 1,
draco = SolarDraco.astroCoordinates(theDate), // Draco cycle number + phase within cycle at theDate
yearPhase = Math.floor (draco.phase * YEAR / DRACO_CYCLE), // The phase of the Draco cycle expressed in a reference year cycle
caputDate = new Date ( TemperedCalend.UTCDate({year : dracoYear, phase : 0}).valueOf() - yearPhase );
// new ExtDate (milesian, TemperedCalend.UTCDate({year : dracoYear, phase : 0}) - yearPhase );
// caputDate.setTime (caputDate.valueOf() - getDeltaT(caputDate)); // back to UTC scale.
// Now check which side and how far caputDate is from theDate, if necessary choose a more suitable.
let caputPos = caputDate.valueOf() - theDate.valueOf();
if (Math.abs (caputPos) > HALF_YEAR) {
dracoYear -= Math.sign (caputPos); // find year where caput is nearer to theDate
caputDate.setTime (TemperedCalend.UTCDate({year : dracoYear, phase : 0}).valueOf() - yearPhase );
// caputDate.setTime (caputDate.valueOf() - getDeltaT(caputDate));
caputPos = caputDate.valueOf() - theDate.valueOf();
// Choose a cauda that wraps theDate with caput
caudaOffset = (caputPos < 0 ? HALF_YEAR : - HALF_YEAR),
caudaDate = new Date (caputDate.valueOf() + caudaOffset),
eclipseSeason = Math.abs(theDate.valueOf() - caputDate.valueOf()) <= DRACO_RADIUS
|| Math.abs(theDate.valueOf() - caudaDate.valueOf()) <= DRACO_RADIUS;
return [ caputDate, caudaDate, eclipseSeason ]