Source: milesianclockutilities.js

 * @file Milesian Clock and converter utility functions for the Milesian clock and converter html applications.
 * These objects are described in the Global section of the JSDoc generated documentation.
 * @author Louis A. de Fouquières
 * @version M2022-11-04 Shade fields that change quickly when clock is animated
 * @license MIT 2016-2022
 * @todo optimise
// Character set is UTF-8
/* Copyright Louis A. de Fouquières 2017-2022
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
distribute, sub-license, or sell copies of the Software, and to
permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
the following conditions:
1. The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
   in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
2. Changes with respect to any former version shall be documented.

The software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind,
express of implied, including but not limited to the warranties of
merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement.
In no event shall the authors of copyright holders be liable for any
claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract,
tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software
or the use or other dealings in the software. 
"use strict";
/** A utility for the undefined fields
 * @param {String} param - any parameter that can be equated to a String.
 * @return {any} undefined if param is blank string, param otherwise.
function undef (param) {
	return param == "" ? undefined : param

/** clockAnimate : package for clock animation.
 * @interface
const clockAnimate = {
		TICK_INTERVAL : 1000,		
		clockPeriod : {}, // Tick generator
		clockDirection : 1, 	// Forward or reverse 
		dayOffset : 1,		// initial value
		changeDayOffset : function () { 	// Controlled change of the day offset
			let days = +document.control.shift.value;
			if (isNaN(days) || days <= 0) {
				alert ("Invalid input: " + document.control.shift.value + "\nFormer value used");
				document.control.shift.value = clockAnimate.dayOffset;
				// clockAnimate.clockRun(0);
				document.control.shift.value = clockAnimate.dayOffset = days; // Confirm changed value
		setDayOffset : function (sign=1) {
			// clockAnimate.changeDayOffset();	// Force a valid value in field
			let testDate = new Date(targetDate.valueOf());
			testDate.setTime (testDate.getTime() + sign*clockAnimate.dayOffset*modules.Milliseconds.DAY_UNIT);
			if (isNaN(testDate.valueOf())) { 
				alert ("Date out of range");
			else {
				targetDate = new modules.ExtDate(calendars[customCalIndex], testDate.valueOf());
		// Next two are for runabout mode
		setDayOffsetPlus : function () {clockAnimate.setDayOffset(+1)},
		setDayOffsetMinus : function () {clockAnimate.setDayOffset(-1)},
		clockSet : function(direction = 1) {
			clockAnimate.clockDirection = direction;
			clockAnimate.clockRun (2);
		clockRun : function(runSwitch = 0) { // Start or stop automatic clock run
			 // Set all buttons to off;"class","class").replace("seton","textline"));"class","class").replace("seton","textline"));"class","class").replace("seton","textline"));"class","class").replace("seton","textline"));
			// Disable all sensitive fields; they shall be reset if clock is stopped.
			var dateElements = document.querySelectorAll(".datelement");
			dateElements.forEach ( (item, index, list) => {item.setAttribute("disabled","disabled") } );
			switch (runSwitch) {
				case 2 : // quick runabout mode
					// Set the runabout to desired speed
					clockAnimate.clockPeriod = clockAnimate.clockDirection == 1
						? window.setInterval(clockAnimate.setDayOffsetPlus, 40000/
						: window.setInterval(clockAnimate.setDayOffsetMinus, 40000/ ; 
					// change button color
					if (clockAnimate.clockDirection == 1)"class","class").replace("textline","seton"))
				case 1 : // run to indicate date and time
				case 0 : // keep stopped
					dateElements.forEach ( (item, index, list) => {item.removeAttribute("disabled") } );"class","class").replace("textline","seton"));
				default : throw new Error ("Invalid option " + runSwitch);
		on : function () {
			clockAnimate.clockPeriod = window.setInterval(setDateToNow , clockAnimate.TICK_INTERVAL);	// Update every tick interval
		off : function () {
/**	Time shift routines defined as a class.
 * @class
class timeShift {
	constructor () {}
	addedTime = 60000 // Time to add or substract, in milliseconds, initial value.
	/** Change the quantum of added time after user input.
	changeAddTime() {
		let msecs = +document.timeShift.shift.value; 
		if (isNaN(msecs) || msecs <= 0) 
			alert ("Invalid input: " + document.timeShift.shift.value)
			document.timeShift.shift.value = this.addedTime = msecs; // Global variable and form updated
	/** add or subtract a quantum of time to current date.
	 * @param sign - +1 for add, -1 for subtract.
	addTime (sign = 1) { // addedTime ms is added or subtracted to or from the Timestamp.
		// this.changeAddTime();	// Force a valid value in field -> no, do that in event listener function.
		let testDate = new Date(targetDate.valueOf());
		testDate.setTime (testDate.getTime() + sign * this.addedTime); 
		if (isNaN(testDate.valueOf())) alert ("Out of range")
		else {
			targetDate.setTime( testDate.valueOf() );
/** The intantated timeShift class.
 * @interface
const myTimeShift = new timeShift;
/** set current target date new to current custom calendar and to Now 
function setDateToNow(){
	targetDate = new modules.ExtDate(calendars[customCalIndex]); 
	setDisplay ();
/** Compute date of now, local or UTC; result is UTC date at 00:00. For date converter and yearly figures.
 * @param {string} TZ - if unspecified, date is in local time zone. If "UTC", date is in Greenwich time zone. 
function setDateToToday (TZ = "") {
	targetDate.setTime(targetDate.valueOf() - targetDate.getRealTZmsOffset(TZ));
	targetDate.setUTCHours (0,0,0,0);
	setDisplay ();
/** Set date following custom calendar.
function calcCustomDate() {
	customCalIndex = calendars.findIndex (item => == document.custom.calend.value);
	var myFields = {
			day : Math.round (,
			month : Math.round (document.custom.month.value),
			year : Math.round (document.custom.year.value),
		testDate = new modules.ExtDate(calendars[customCalIndex], targetDate.valueOf());
	switch (TZ) {	// get time fields following time zone mode
		case "":  
			myFields.hours = targetDate.getHours();
			myFields.minutes = targetDate.getMinutes();
			myFields.seconds = targetDate.getSeconds();
			myFields.milliseconds = targetDate.getMilliseconds();
		case "UTC" : // // Set date object from custom calendar date indication, and with UTC time of day of currently displayed date.
			myFields.hours = targetDate.getUTCHours();
			myFields.minutes = targetDate.getUTCMinutes();
			myFields.seconds = targetDate.getUTCSeconds();
			myFields.milliseconds = targetDate.getUTCMilliseconds();
	testDate.setFromFields(myFields, TZ);
	if (isNaN(testDate.valueOf())) alert ("Out of range")
	else {
		// Here, no control of date validity, leave JS recompute the date if day of month is out of bounds
		targetDate = testDate; // new modules.ExtDate(calendars[customCalIndex], testDate.valueOf());
/** Set date after week indication.
function calcWeek() {
	customCalIndex = calendars.findIndex (item => == document.custom.calend.value);
	var myFields = {
			weekYear : Math.round (document.week.weekyear.value),
			weekNumber : Math.round (document.week.weeknumber.value),
			weekday : Math.round (document.week.weekday.value)
		testDate = new modules.ExtDate(calendars[customCalIndex], targetDate.valueOf());
	switch (TZ) {
		case "":  // Set date object from custom calendar week date indication, and with time of day of currently displayed date.
			myFields.hours = targetDate.getHours();
			myFields.minutes = targetDate.getMinutes();
			myFields.seconds = targetDate.getSeconds();
			myFields.milliseconds = targetDate.getMilliseconds();
		case "UTC" : // // Set date object from custom calendar date indication, and with UTC time of day of currently displayed date.
			myFields.hours = targetDate.getUTCHours();
			myFields.minutes = targetDate.getUTCMinutes();
			myFields.seconds = targetDate.getUTCSeconds();
			myFields.milliseconds = targetDate.getUTCMilliseconds();
	testDate.setFromWeekFields( myFields, TZ );
	if (isNaN(testDate.valueOf())) alert ("Out of range")
	else {
		// Here, no control of date validity, leave JS recompute the date if day of month is out of bounds
		targetDate = testDate; 	// new modules.ExtDate(calendars[customCalIndex], testDate.valueOf());	// set custom calendar if changed, and set date.
/** Julian Day is specified as a decimal number. Insert with the suitable Date setter.
function calcJulianDay(){
	var j = (document.daycounter.julianday.value); // extract Julian Day, numeric value (not necessarily integer) expected.
	j = j.replace(/\s/gi, ""); j = j.replace(/,/gi, "."); j = Number (j);
	if (isNaN (j)) alert ("Non numeric value" + ' "' + document.daycounter.julianday.value + '"')
	else {
		let jd = new modules.ExtCountDate (jdcounterselector,"iso8601",0);
		if (isNaN(jd.valueOf())) alert ("Date out of range")
		else {
			targetDate = new modules.ExtDate (calendars[customCalIndex],jd.valueOf());
/** Recompute date after time elements.
function calcTime() {
	var hours = Math.round (document.time.hours.value), mins = Math.round (document.time.mins.value), 
		secs = Math.round (document.time.secs.value), ms = Math.round (;
	if (isNaN(hours) || isNaN (mins) || isNaN (secs) || isNaN (ms)) 
		alert ("Invalid date " + '"' + document.time.hours.value + '" "' + document.time.mins.value + '" "' 
		+ document.time.secs.value + '.' + + '"')
	 else {
	  let testDate = new modules.ExtDate (calendars[customCalIndex],targetDate.valueOf());
	  switch (TZ) {
		case "" : testDate.setHours(hours, mins, secs, ms); break;
		case "UTC" : testDate.setUTCHours(hours, mins, secs, ms); break;
		if (isNaN(testDate.valueOf())) alert ("Out of range")
		else {
			targetDate = new modules.ExtDate (calendars[customCalIndex],testDate.valueOf());
/** Set UTC time to the hours specified. Date is deemed in time zone specified in TZ global variable.
 * @param {number} UTChours - The time (number of hours) in UTC time zone.
function setUTCHoursFixed (UTChours=0) {
	if (typeof UTChours == undefined)  UTChours = document.UTCset.Compute.value;
	let testDate = new Date (targetDate.valueOf() - targetDate.getRealTZmsOffset(TZ));
	testDate.setUTCHours(UTChours, 0, 0, 0);
	if (isNaN(testDate.valueOf())) alert ("Out of range")
	else {
		targetDate.setTime (testDate.valueOf());