Source: extdate.js

/** ExtDate
 * @module extdate
// Character set is UTF-8
/*	Version	M2022-08-06	Handle monthCode.
/* Copyright Louis A. de Fouquières 2016-2022
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	2. Changes with respect to any former version shall be documented.

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"use strict";
/** Compute the system time zone offset at this date, in milliseconds. 
 * This extension is not exported. JSDoc is not generated.
 * Rationale: with Chrome (and others ?), the TZOffset returned value, in min, losses the seconds. 
 * @static
 * @function Date.getRealTZmsOffset
 * @extends Date
 * @return {number} the time zone offset in milliseconds: UTC - local (same sign as TimezoneOffset)
Date.prototype.getRealTZmsOffset = function () { // this prototype extension necessary prior to extending Date, and this method is redefined and enlarged within ExtDate.
/* Gregorian coordinates of the system local date */
	let localCoord = 
		{year: this.getFullYear(), month: this.getMonth(), date: this.getDate(), 
		hours: this.getHours(), minutes: this.getMinutes(), seconds: this.getSeconds(), milliseconds: this.getMilliseconds()};
/* UTC Date constructed with the local date coordinates */
	let localDate = new Date (0); 
	localDate.setUTCFullYear (localCoord.year, localCoord.month,; 
	localDate.setUTCHours (localCoord.hours, localCoord.minutes, localCoord.seconds, localCoord.milliseconds);
	return this.valueOf() - localDate.valueOf()
/** ExtDate (default exported class): extends the Date object with the flavour of Temporal proposal, using custom calendars. 
 * All methods of the Date object are also available. 
 * However, with the built-in methods, the figure that represents the month begins with 0, with the extended ones, it begins with 1.
 * @version M2022-08-06
 * @author Louis A. de Fouquières
 * @license MIT 2016-2022
 * @see {@link customcalendarmodel.js}
 * @extends Date.
 * @requires chronos.js
 * @requires time-units.js
 * @class
 * @param {string|object} [calendar] 
	* the calendar object that describes the custom calendar,
	* or a string that refers to a built-in calendar;
	* if undefined, set to "iso8601";
	* In this version, the string for a built-in calendar may only be "iso8601" (default) or "gregory". 
	* @see  customcalendarmodel.js 		for the custom calendar model.
 * @param {string|number[]} [dateArguments]	- same parameter list as would be passed to the legacy Date object:
	*	empty -> now; 
	*	one numerical argument: Posix counter in milliseconds, as for Date;
	*	one string argument: an ISO string for the date, passed to Date;
	*	several numerical arguments: the arguments of Date constructor, as would be passed to Date, but
	*		year is an algebraic full year, e.g. 1 means year 0001, not year 1901, and negative numbers may be used;
	*		first month is always 1, not 0;
	*		default day is 1; 
	* 		default time elements are 0;
	*		the date elements are those of the target calendar, which may differ from ISO 8601;
	*	the date elements passed are considered those of the local date, i.e. of the terminal's time zone.
export default class ExtDate extends Date {
	constructor (calendar, ...dateArguments) {
		let myCalendar = (calendar == undefined) ? "iso8601" : calendar;
		switch (typeof myCalendar) {
			case "string" : switch (myCalendar) {
				case "iso8601" : case "gregory" : break;
				default : throw new RangeError ("Only iso8601 and gregory built-in calendars enable ExtDate object construction, not " + myCalendar);
			} break;
			case "object": ; break; // ExtDate constructed although calendar object may be incomplete
			default : throw new TypeError ('Calendar parameter is neither a string nor an object'); 
		if (dateArguments.length > 1) {	// more than 1 argument to compute the Date: at least year and month, not a timestamp.
			if (myCalendar == "iso8601" || myCalendar == "gregory") { // First arguments are a year and a month. Year is alwasy full, month is always based 1.
				dateArguments[1]--;		// month argument decremented for the legacy Date
				super (...dateArguments);
				if (dateArguments[0] < 100 && dateArguments[0] >= 0) this.setFullYear(dateArguments[0]); 
			else {	// analyse fields in terms of the specified custom calendar
				let fields = new Object;
				for (let i = 0; i < ExtDate.numericFields().length; i++) {
					if (i < dateArguments.length) {
						if (!Number.isInteger(dateArguments[i])) throw new TypeError 
							('Argument ' + ExtDate.numericFields()[i].name + ' is not integer: ' + dateArguments[i]);
						fields[ExtDate.numericFields()[i].name] = dateArguments[i];
					} else {fields[ExtDate.numericFields()[i].name] = ExtDate.numericFields()[i].value} //	If no value specified among arguments, set default value.
				let UTCDate = new Date (calendar.counterFromFields (fields));
				super (UTCDate.valueOf() + UTCDate.getRealTZmsOffset());
		else	// 0 or 1 argument for legacy Date, i.e. Now (0 argument), a string or a timestamp. Nothing calendar-dependant.
			super (...dateArguments);
		this.calendar = myCalendar;		// because this may only appear after super.
	/* Basic data
	/** Give the list of numeric fields in a date object, and of their respective default values.
	* @static
	* @return {Object} ( name_of_field : field default value )
	static numericFields() { return [ {name : "fullYear", value : 0}, {name : "month", value : 1}, {name : "day", value : 1},
		{name : "hours", value : 0}, {name : "minutes", value : 0}, {name : "seconds", value : 0}, {name : "milliseconds", value : 0} ] 
	/** Give the list of numeric fields in a week day date object, and of their respective default values.
	* @static
	* @return {Object} ( name_of_field : field default value )
	static numericWeekFields() { return [ {name : "weekYear", value : 0}, {name : "weekNumber", value : 1}, {name : "weekday", value : 1},
		{name : "hours", value : 0}, {name : "minutes", value : 0}, {name : "seconds", value : 0}, {name : "milliseconds", value : 0} ] 
	/** Basic utility fonction: get UTC date from ISO 8601 UTC date figures, 
	* including full year, i.e. 2-digit year is a year of the first century.
	* Please notice the slight differences with the legacy Date.UTC() function.
	* @static
	* @param {number} [fullYear=0]	The year expressed as an algebraic unambiguous number, as specified by ISO 8601.
	* @param {number} [month=1]	 The month number, 1 to 12 for Jan. to Dec.
	* @param {number} [day=1]	The day number in the month.
	* @param {number} [hours=0]	The UTC hour
	* @param {number} [minutes=0]	The UTC minutes
	* @param {number} [seconds=0]	The UTC seconds
	* @param {number} [milliseconds=0]	The UTC milliseconds
	* @return {number} the Posix timestamp corresponding to the specified UTC date.
	static fullUTC (fullYear=0, month=1, day=1, hours=0, minutes=0, seconds=0, milliseconds=0) {
		arguments[1]--;		// From base 1 month to month of legacy Date
		let myDate = new Date(Date.UTC(...arguments));	// Date.UTC requires at least one argument, which is always the UTC year, shifted to 1900-1999 if specified 0..99
		if (fullYear <100 && fullYear >=0) myDate.setUTCFullYear(fullYear);
		return myDate.valueOf()
	/** Compute the system time zone offset at this date, or the time zone offset of a named time zone in ms.
	 * This method is defined because there are discrepancies among navigators for the ***Date.prototype.getTimezoneOffset()*** function, 
	 * when used for date before 1847 in UK or even later in most other countries.
	 * As there were no time zones, the real offset is computed to the second, but the legacy method may round to minutes, 
	 * depending on the navigator.
	 * @param {string} [TZ]		- the named time zone. If undefined or "", system timezone. "UTC" is always accepted.
	 * @return {number} 		the time zone offset in milliseconds: UTC - local (same sign as TimezoneOffset).
	getRealTZmsOffset (TZ) {
		if (TZ == "UTC") return 0;		// avoid complex computation for a trivial case.
		if (TZ == undefined || TZ == "") {	// system time zone
		// Gregorian coordinates of the system local date
			let localCoord = 
				{year: this.getFullYear(), month: this.getMonth(), date: this.getDate(), 
				hours: this.getHours(), minutes: this.getMinutes(), seconds: this.getSeconds(), milliseconds: this.getMilliseconds()};
		// UTC Date constructed with the local date coordinates
			let localDate = new Date (0); 
			localDate.setUTCFullYear (localCoord.year, localCoord.month,; 
			localDate.setUTCHours (localCoord.hours, localCoord.minutes, localCoord.seconds, localCoord.milliseconds);
			return this.valueOf() - localDate.valueOf()
		else return this.valueOf() - this.toResolvedLocalDate(TZ).valueOf()
	/** Construct a date that represents the "best fit" value of the given date shifted as UTC to the named time zone. 
	 * The computation of the time zone is that of Unicode, or of the standard TZOffset if Unicode's is not available.
	 * @method
	 * @param {string} [TZ]	- the named time zone. If undefined or "", system timezone. "UTC" is always accepted.
	 * @return {Date} the best possible result given by the navigator.
	toResolvedLocalDate = function (TZ) { // This routine assumes that Intl.DateTimeFormat works. If not, exception is thrown.
		var	localTime = new ExtDate (this.calendar,this.valueOf()); // Initiate a draft date that is the same as this.
		if (TZ == "UTC") return localTime; // Trivial case: time zone asked is UTC.
		// There is no try ! TZ has to be a valid TZ name.
		if (TZ == (undefined || ""))
			var localOptions = new Intl.DateTimeFormat ("en-GB")
			var localOptions = new Intl.DateTimeFormat ("en-GB", {timeZone : TZ}); // Submit specified time zone
		// Here localOptions is set with valid asked timeZone
		// Set a format object suitable to extract numeric components from Date string
		let numericSettings = {weekday: 'long', era: 'short', year: 'numeric',  month: 'numeric',  day: 'numeric',  
				hour: 'numeric',  minute: 'numeric',  second: 'numeric', hour12: false};
		if (!(TZ == (undefined || ""))) numericSettings.timeZone = TZ;	
		var numericOptions = new Intl.DateTimeFormat ("en-GB", numericSettings);	// gregory calendar in British english
		let	localTC = numericOptions.formatToParts(this); // Local date and time components at TZ
		return new ExtDate(this.calendar, ExtDate.fullUTC (
			localTC[8].value == "BC" ? 1-localTC[6].value : +localTC[6].value, // year component (a full year)
			+localTC[4].value, +localTC[2].value, // month and date components (month is 1..12)
			+localTC[10].value, +localTC[12].value, +localTC[14].value, //Hours, minutes and seconds
			localTime.getUTCMilliseconds())); // We can't obtain milliseconds from DateTimeFormat, but they always remain the same while changing time zone.
	/** calendar date fields generator method from Date.valueOf(), local or UTC. Month in range 1..12
	 * @param {string} [TZ] - Named time zone. If "" or undefined (default value), local date and time. If "UTC", UTC date and time.
     * @return {Object} object with date fields { (era if applicable), year, month (range 1..12), day, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds}
	getFields(TZ) {
		// compute offset to use
		var offset = this.getRealTZmsOffset(TZ), 
			shiftDate, result;
		// compute Fields from a shifted value. Month is in the range 1..12
		if (typeof this.calendar == "string") { 
			switch (this.calendar) {	// calendar is a string: a built-in calendar, presently only "gregory" or "iso8601"
				case "iso8601": case "gregory" : 
					shiftDate = new Date (this.valueOf() - offset);
					result = {
							fullYear : shiftDate.getUTCFullYear(),
							month : shiftDate.getUTCMonth()+1,
							day : shiftDate.getUTCDate(),
							hours : shiftDate.getUTCHours(),
							minutes : shiftDate.getUTCMinutes(),
							seconds : shiftDate.getUTCSeconds(),
							milliseconds : shiftDate.getUTCMilliseconds()
					if (this.calendar == "gregory") [result.era, result.year] = result.fullYear <= 0 ? ["ERA0",1-result.fullYear] : ["ERA1", result.fullYear]
					else result.year = result.fullYear;
				default : throw new RangeError ("Only iso8601 and gregory built-in calendars enable getFields method: " + this.calendar);
			return result;
			return this.calendar.fieldsFromCounter (this.valueOf() - offset);
	/**	ISO fields at UTC, like for Temporal.PlainDate
	 * @param {string} [TZ] - Named time zone. If "" or undefined (default value), local date and time. If "UTC", UTC date and time.
     * @return {Object} Date at TZ as Isofield object:  isoYear, isoMonth (range 1..12), isoDay, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds
	getISOFields(TZ) {	// Fields with same name as in Temporal.
			shiftDate = new Date (this.valueOf - this.getRealTZmsOffset(TZ));
		return {
			isoYear : shiftDate.getUTCFullYear(),
			isoMonth : shiftDate.getUTCMonth() + 1,
			isoDay : shiftDate.getUTCDate(),
			hours : shiftDate.getUTCHours(),
			minutes : shiftDate.getUTCMinutes(),
			seconds : shiftDate.getUTCSeconds(),
			milliseconds : shiftDate.getUTCMilliseconds()
	/** week fields generator method from Date.valueOf(), local or UTC.
	 * @param {string} [TZ] - Named time zone. If "" or undefined (default value), local date and time. If "UTC", UTC date and time.
	 * @return {Object} object with week fields for the date at TZ, { weekNumber: number (1..53) of the week. weekday : number (1..7, 1 = Monday) of the weekday,
		weekYearOffset : -1/0/1 shift fullYear by one to obtain the year the week belongs to, weeksInYear: number of weeks in the year the week belons to }
	getWeekFields(TZ) {
		if (typeof this.calendar == "string") 
			throw new RangeError ('getWeekFields method not available for built-in calendars: ' + this.calendar)
		else return this.calendar.weekFieldsFromCounter (this.valueOf() - this.getRealTZmsOffset(TZ))
	/** setter method, from fields representing partially a date or time in the target calendar, change date and computie timestamp.
	 * @param {Object} fields that change from presently held date, i.e. undefined fields are extracted from present date with same TZ (system (blank) or 'UTC')
	 * @param {String} [TZ] - if "" or undefined (default value), local date and time. If 'UTC', UTC date and time. No other value possible.
	 * @return {number} a new timestamp
	setFromFields( myFields, TZ ) { 
		if (typeof this.calendar == "string") throw new TypeError ('setFromFields does not work with built-in calendars: ' + this.calendar);
		var askedFields = this.calendar.solveAskedFields (myFields),	// askedFields is not ambiguous. 
			fields = this.getFields(TZ);
		fields = Object.assign (fields, askedFields);
/*		This part seems unnecessary since fields already exist, held as an example.
	// 3. Now field should be complete
		if (ExtDate.numericFields().some ( (item) =>  fields[] == undefined ? false : !Number.isInteger(fields[] ) ) ) 
			throw new TypeError 
				(ExtDate.numericFields().map(({name, value}) => {return (name + ':' + value);}).reduce((buf, part)=> buf + " " + part, "Missing or non integer element in date fields: "));
		ExtDate.numericFields().forEach ( (item) => { if (fields[] == undefined) 
			fields[] = startingFields[] } );
		// Construct an object with the date indication only, at 0 h UTC
		let dateFields = {}; ExtDate.numericFields().slice(0,3).forEach ( (item) => {dateFields[] = fields[]} );
		this.setTime(this.calendar.counterFromFields (dateFields));
		// finally set time to this date from TZ, using .setHours or .setUTCHours
		return this.setFullTime (TZ , fields.hours, fields.minutes, fields.seconds, fields.milliseconds)
	/** setter method, from the fields representing the date in the target WEEK calendar, comput timestamp
	 * @param {Object} week fields that change from presently held date, i.e. undefined week fields are extracted from present date with same TZ. 
	 * @param {string} [TZ] - If "" or undefined (default value), local date and time. If "UTC", UTC date and time. No other value possible.
	 * @return {number} same as Date.setTime
	setFromWeekFields( myFields, TZ ) { 
		if (typeof this.calendar == "string") throw new TypeError ('setFromWeekFields does not work with built-in calendars: ' + this.calendar);
		var timeFields = this.getFields (TZ),	// interesting fields are time fields.
			weekFields = this.getWeekFields (TZ);
		weekFields = Object.assign (weekFields, myFields);	// add date expressed in week coordinates.
		let dateFields = {}; ExtDate.numericWeekFields().slice(0,3).forEach ( (item) => {dateFields[] = weekFields[]} );
		this.setTime(this.calendar.counterFromWeekFields (dateFields));
		// finally set time to this date from TZ, using setFullTime
		return this.setFullTime (TZ, timeFields.hours, timeFields.minutes, timeFields.seconds, timeFields.milliseconds);
	/** is this date in a leap year of the calendar ? 
	 * @param {string} [TZ] - Named time zone. If "" or undefined (default value), local date and time. If "UTC", UTC date and time.
	 * @return {Boolean} whether the associated date's year is a leap year.
	inLeapYear ( TZ ) {
		if (typeof this.calendar.inLeapYear != "function") throw new RangeError ('inLeapYear function not provided for this calendar');
		return this.calendar.inLeapYear( this.getFields (TZ) );
	/** extract a simple string with the calendar name, then era code (if applicable), then the figures for year, month, day, and time components.
	 * @param {string} [TZ] - Named time zone. If "" or undefined (default value), local date and time. If "UTC", UTC date and time.
	 * @return {string} the current date as a string
	toCalString( TZ ) {
		if (typeof this.calendar == "string") return this.toISOString() + "[c=" + this.calendar + "]";
		let fn6 = Intl.NumberFormat(undefined,{minimumIntegerDigits : 6, useGrouping : false}),
			fn4 = Intl.NumberFormat(undefined,{minimumIntegerDigits : 4, useGrouping : false}), 
			fn3 = Intl.NumberFormat(undefined,{minimumIntegerDigits : 3}),
			fn2 = Intl.NumberFormat(undefined,{minimumIntegerDigits : 2}),
			fzs = Intl.DateTimeFormat(undefined, {hour: "2-digit", minute: "2-digit", second:"2-digit", timeZoneName : "short"}),
			compound = this.getFields (TZ);
		return "[" + + "]" + ( compound.era == undefined ? "" : "(" + compound.era + ")" )
				+ (compound.year < 10000 && compound.year > 0 ? fn4.format(compound.year) : fn6.format(compound.year)) + "-"
				+ fn2.format(compound.month) + "-"+fn2.format( 
				+ "T" + (TZ == undefined || TZ == "" ? fzs.format (this) 
					: fn2.format(compound.hours)+":"+fn2.format(compound.minutes)+":"+fn2.format(compound.seconds)+"."+fn3.format(compound.milliseconds) + "Z")
	/**	Get year as an unambiguous signed integer.
	 * @param {string} [TZ] - Named time zone. If "" or undefined (default value), local date and time. If "UTC", UTC date and time.
	 * @return {number} year, unambiguous signed integer.
	fullYear (TZ) {
		let fields = this.getFields(TZ);
		return fields.fullYear;
	/**	Get era code, if existing for this calendar.
	 * @param {string} [TZ] - Named time zone. If "" or undefined (default value), local date and time. If "UTC", UTC date and time.
	 * @return {string} era code.
	era (TZ) {
		let fields = this.getFields(TZ);
		return fields.era
	/**	Get year; may be ambiguous if era is not known.
	 * @param {string} [TZ] - Named time zone. If "" or undefined (default value), local date and time. If "UTC", UTC date and time.
	 * @return {number} year; era may be necessary for disambiguation.
	year (TZ) {
		let fields = this.getFields(TZ);
		return fields.year
	/**	Get month number, the first number is 1.
	 * @param {string} [TZ] - if "" or undefined (default value), local date and time. If "UTC", UTC date and time.
	 * @return {number} month number, number of first month is 1.
	month (TZ) {
		let fields = this.getFields(TZ);
		return fields.month
	monthCode (TZ) {
		let fields = this.getFields(TZ);
		return fields.monthCode == undefined ? String (fields.month) : fields.monthCode
	/**	Get day number in month.
	 * @param {string} [TZ] - Named time zone. If "" or undefined (default value), local date and time. If "UTC", UTC date and time.
	 * @return {number} day number, first day of month is 1.
	day (TZ) {
		let fields = this.getFields(TZ);
	/**	Get weekday number, under rules specified in weekRule.
	 * @param {string} [TZ] - Named time zone. If "" or undefined (default value), local date and time. If "UTC", UTC date and time.
	 * @return {number} weekday number.
	weekday (TZ) {
		let fields = this.getWeekFields(TZ);
		return fields.weekday
	/**	Get week number in year, under rules specified in weekRule.
	 * @param {string} [TZ] - Named time zone. If "" or undefined (default value), local date and time. If "UTC", UTC date and time.
	 * @return {number} week number.
	weekNumber (TZ) {
		let fields = this.getWeekFields(TZ);
		return fields.weekNumber
	/**	Get number of weeks in this week calendar year, under rules specified in weekRule.
	 * @param {string} [TZ] - Named time zone. If "" or undefined (default value), local date and time. If "UTC", UTC date and time.
	 * @return {number} number of weeks.
	weeksInYear (TZ) {
		let fields = this.getWeekFields(TZ);
		return fields.weeksInYear
	/**	Get year after the week calendar, under rules specified in weekRule.
	 * @param {string} [TZ] - Named time zone. If "" or undefined (default value), local date and time. If "UTC", UTC date and time.
	 * @return {number} year in the week calendar, unambiguous number (fullyear).
	weekYear (TZ) {		// unambiguous number of the year the numbered week belongs to
		let fields = this.getWeekFields(TZ);
		return fields.weekYear
	/**	Get hour in the day, in TZ
	 * @param {string} [TZ] - Named time zone. If "" or undefined (default value), local date and time. If "UTC", UTC date and time.
	 * @return {number} hour 0 to 23.
	hours (TZ) {
		let fields = this.getFields(TZ);
		return fields.hours
	/**	Get minutes of the hour in the day, in TZ
	 * @param {string} [TZ] - Named time zone. If "" or undefined (default value), local date and time. If "UTC", UTC date and time.
	 * @return {number} minutes 0 to 59.
	minutes (TZ) {
		let fields = this.getFields (TZ);
		return fields.minutes
	/**	Get seconds of the hour in the day, in TZ
	 * @param {string} [TZ] - if "" or undefined (default value), local date and time. If "UTC", UTC date and time.
	 * @return {number} seconds 0 to 59.
	seconds (TZ) {
		let fields = this.getFields (TZ);
		return fields.seconds
	/**	Get milliseconds of the hour in the day, in TZ
	 * @param {string} [TZ] - Named time zone. If "" or undefined (default value), local date and time. If "UTC", UTC date and time.
	 * @return {number} milliseconds 0 to 999.
	milliseconds (TZ) {
		let fields = this.getFields (TZ);
		return fields.milliseconds
	/**	Set time of the day in same day, local or UTC, using legacy setHours or setUTCHours.
	 * @param {string} [TZ] - If "" or undefined (default value), set local time at same local date. If "UTC", set UTC time at same UTC date. No other value possible.
	 * @param {number} hours 	- the hours setting
	 * @param {number} [minutes=current value] 	- the minutes setting
	 * @param {number} [seconds=current value] 	- the seconds setting
	 * @param {number} [milliseconds=current value] - the milliseconds setting
	 * @return {number} the Date.valueOf result after operation.
	setFullTime (TZ, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds) {
		if (TZ == undefined) TZ = "";
		if (hours == undefined || isNaN (hours)) throw new TypeError ('setFullTime: at least "hours" parameter should be specified: ' + hours);
		if (minutes == undefined) minutes = (TZ == "" ? this.getMinutes() : this.getUTCMinutes());
		if (seconds == undefined) seconds = (TZ == "" ? this.getSeconds() : this.getUTCSeconds());
		if (milliseconds == undefined) milliseconds = (TZ == "" ? this.getMilliseconds() : this.getUTCMilliseconds());
		switch (TZ) {
			case "" : return this.setHours (hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds);
			case "UTC" : return this.setUTCHours (hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds);
			default : throw new RangeError ('Only "UTC" or blank value is possible for TZ parameter: ' + TZ);