Module: customcalendarmodel

Description of the objects and class structure suitable for the ExtDate and ExtDateTimeFormat class extensions provided in calendrical-javascript package. The methods that the user should provide are also described here. This module file does not contain any JS code, only JSDoc specifications. User provided methods are listed as 'types' despite the JSDoc @callback tag.
  • M2024-07-02
  • Louis A. de Fouquières
  • MIT 2016-2024

Type Definitions


Class model for custom calendar classes or objects, inspired by Temporal but adapted to ExtDate and ExtDateTimeFormat objects.
  • Object
Name Type Description
id String a specific name for this calendar, used by the ExtDate.toCalString method.
canvas String the name of a built-in calendar that provides the initial structure, and possible the names of months, weekdays etc. for the target calendar.
pldr access a "private locale data repository" document object, to use for displaying certain fields (e.g. months) with ExtDateTimeFormat.
eras Array.<String> array of the string codes for the eras for this calendar, if eras used.
stringFormat String a string that specifies how date string is computed. Possible values are: "built-in" : compute parts of displayed string as an ordinary DateTimeFormat, and then reformat each part as stated by "partsFormat" object; "fields" : general structure of string as stated from options, but values recomputed following fields of this calendar, and modified as stated by "partsFormat"; currently, this option only works with Roman-like calendars; "auto" (default): means "built-in".
partsFormat Object specifies how to format each part corresponding to each date field. Each tag is the name of a part to display (e.g. "era").
Name Type Description
current Object 'current' is the name of a date field, like year, month, day etc.
Name Type Description
mode String how to find the value: "cldr" : leave value set by standard Intl.DateTimeFormat.FormatToParts (equivalent to no object for this part name). "field": put field as is; if undefined, put "". For test and debug, and for void fields. "list" : (enumerable) values indicated in "source" field; if field is not a number, index to be found searching "codes". "pldr" : values to be found in an XML document which represents a "private locale data repository", to be specified as a class parameter.
source access the reference to the values, if mode == "list" or "pldr".
codes Array.<String> if (mode == "list" ) and for a non-numeric field (e.g. an era), the array of codes to search for.
calname String if (mode == "pldr"), the calendar name to fetch. If not specified, "canvas".is tried out, else "id".
key function if (mode == "pldr"), (field_value) => search_key; by default, the search key is the field value, except for weekdays of the standard 7-days week, where the keys are ['sun', 'mon' ... 'sat']; therefore, this function should be provided if an alternative week structure is specified.
buildDateFromFields function construct a new ExtDate object from date coordinates in this calendar.
fieldsFromCounter function from a timestamp, give UTC date and hour fields.
counterFromFields function from a UTC date and time expression, compute the timestamp.
weekFieldsFromCounter function from a timestamp, give UTC date in week coordinates and hour fields.
counterFromWeekFields function from a UTC date in week coordinates and time expression, compute the timestamp.
solveAskedFields function from a set of date fields, solve any ambiguity before merging.
inLeapYear function function (fields) => (boolean): is this date in a leap year ?


Object type for the date figures using ExtDate. There is a distinction between 'numeric' fields and others. The numeric fields are all numbers, and define the date in a unique way. All custom calendars shall provide all numeric fields. Non numeric fields are not required from custom calendars. Fields may hold the date and time coordinates for any time zone.
Name Type Description
era String a short international acronym that helps resolving the complete date together with the other date fields; e.g. "BC" or "AD" in the context of the Julian calendar, that is necessary in addition to the 'year' indication; this field is not numeric.
year Number a positive number that expresses the year; the era element is necessary in order to fully determine the year; this element is considered non numeric, although it is a number.
fullYear Number an algebraic number that determines the year in a non ambiguous manner; the range of possible values is without hole; this is considered a numeric field.
month Number month number in a year; the months of a given year are enumerated starting from 1 and without hole. this is considered a numeric field.
monthCode String (optional) a short acronym, e.g. 'M01' for the first month, or 'M06L' for the doubled sixth month or leap month after 'M06'; inspired from Temporal and used with non-Unicode display applications; if this field is not defined in a custom calendar, the monthCode shall be set to the month number;
monthType String (optional) the type under which the month name should be searched for in lists, CLDR or PLDR; with lunisolar calendars, a same 'month' value can lead to different month names; this field, together with "leapMonth", helps solving such cases; if missing, ExtDateTimeFormat uses .month as monthType when searching the month name.
leapMonth String (optional), value is "leap" indicating that the leap month version of the month name should be used; if present, ExtDateTimeFormat adds a search key before exploring CLDR or the PLDR, and also searches the PLDR for a "mark" to add before or after the month string.
day Number the number of the day in the month, starting from 1 and without hole.
hour Number the number of hours since the beginning of the present day, no change with respect to Date.
minutes Number the number of minutes since the beginning of the present hour, no change with respect to Date.
seconds Number the number of seconds since the beginning of the present minute, no change with respect to Date.
milliseconds Number the number of milliseconds since the beginning of the present second, no change with respect to Date.


Object type for the week figures of a date
Name Type Description
weekYearOffset Number number to add to the current fullYear to get the fullYear the week belongs to;
weekYear Number year for the week coordinates (civil full year + weekYearOffset);
weekNumber Number number of the week in the year;
weekday Number number of the day in the week, 0..6 for Sunday..Saturday or 1..7 for Monday..Sunday, or a weekday number of another week structure.
weeksInYear Number number of weeks in the weekYear the week belongs to.

buildDateFromFields(fields, constructopt) → {Object}

Build a new ExtDate object from a calendar and a set of UTC date coordinates. The constructor is ExtDate by default, however another one may be specified.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
fields Object compound object that expresses the date in this calendar; first month is 1; missing fields are deemed 0 or floor value (1).
construct class <optional>
ExtDate the class used to construct date object.
the result of 'new construct' applied to the parameters with this calendar.

counterFromFields(fields) → {Number}

Compute the Posix timestamp from a UTC date expression in this calendar.
Name Type Description
fields Object compound object that expresses the date in this calendar; first month is 1; missing fields are deemed 0 or floor value (1).
the Posix timestamp, in ms, corresponding to the date expression.

counterFromWeekFields(fields) → {Number}

Compute the Posix timestamp from a UTC date week expression in this calendar.
Name Type Description
fields WeekFigures compound object that expresses the date in week coordinates in this calendar; missing fields are deemed 0 or floor value (1).
the Posix timestamp, in ms, corresponding to the date expression.

fieldsFromCounter(timeStamp) → {Object}

Compute the UTC date fields in this calendar from the Posix timestamp.
Name Type Description
timeStamp Number the timestamp in ms.
the UTC date figures; the names are in numericFields list: fullYear, month, day; the year field, as it should be displayed (e.g. 55 for 55 B.C. the era (string) field if applicable; if era is not present, year is fullYear. month number is always 1-based (January is 1).

inLeapYear() → {boolean}

Is the calendar year of this UTC date a leap year ?
Type Description
Object the coordinates of a date in this calendar.
this year is a leap year for this calendar.

solveAskedFields() → {Object}

From a set of date fields, solve any ambiguity between year, era, fullYear, before merging.
Type Description
Object set of fields to be merged in order to have a consistent and unambiguous date expression.
the solved fields.

weekFieldsFromCounter(timeStamp) → {WeekFigures}

Compute the UTC date week fields in this calendar from the Posix timestamp.
Name Type Description
timeStamp Number the timestamp in ms.
the UTC date week figures, see WeekFigures type for details.