Source: extdatetimeformat.js

/** Extension of Intl.DateTimeFormat object. 
 @module extdatetimeformat
// Character set is UTF-8
/*	Version	M2022-08-26	Resolved options may be reintroduced to a new object with the same effect.
		even for "chinese" and "dangi" calendars.
	See history on GitHub.
/* Copyright Louis A. de Fouquières 2016-2022
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	1. The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
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	2. Changes with respect to any former version shall be documented.

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"use strict";
import ExtDate from './extdate.js';
/** ExtDateTimeFormat (default exported class): Extension of Intl.DateTimeFormat object. 
 * Handle built-in or custom calendars.
 * Handle Private Locale Data Repositories, with same structure as Unicode's CLDR.
 * Handle the eraDisplay option.
 * Handle "2-digit" and "numeric" options value in a different way.
 * Handle the intercalary months as coded in Unicode's CLDR.
 * Enable language-sensitive intercalary month mark.
 * Requires module:extdate.js, which could be substituted by Temporal.
 * @version M2022-08-06
 * @author Louis A. de Fouquières
 * @license MIT 2016-2022	 
 * @see {@link customcalendarmodel.js}
 * @requires extdate.js
 * @extends Intl.DateTimeFormat.
	 * @class
	 * @param {string} [locale]	- as for Intl.DateTimeFormat.
	 * @param {Object} [options]	- same as for Intl.DateTimeFormat 
		* + option eraDisplay : ("never"/"always"/"auto"), default to "auto": should era be displayed ? 
		* if "auto", era is displayed if year is displayed and era of now is not equal to era of formatted date.
		* if era option is not specified, "short" is assumed whenever necessary. 
		* Note: date and time fields option values "2-digit" and "numeric" yield different effects, unlike legacy Intl.DateTimeFormat.
	 * @param {Object} [calendar]	- a calendar used to format the date.
		*	If this parameter is not specified, the calendar resolved with locale and options will be used. 
		*	If specified as a built-in calendar string, this calendar supersedes the one resolved with locale and options. 
		*	If specified as a custom calendar and if a Private Locale Data Repository (PLDR) is given, this will be used for calendar's entity names. 
		*	If no PLDR is provided, the calendar.canvas field refers to the built-in calendar to use for entity names.
	* @see  customcalendarmodel.js 		for the custom calendar model.
export default class ExtDateTimeFormat extends Intl.DateTimeFormat {
	constructor (locale, options, calendar) { // options should not be set to null, not accepted by Unicode
		let myOptions = {...options}; // copy originally asked options.
		if (typeof calendar == "string") myOptions.calendar = calendar;
		super (locale, myOptions);
		// Resolve this.calendar options
		if (typeof calendar == "object") this.calendar = calendar;
		this.options = myOptions;	// this.options may be changed without changing the parameter
		this.locale = locale;
		// Resolve case where no field is asked for display : if none of weekday, year, month, day, hour, minute, second is asked, set a standard suite
		if (this.options == undefined) this.options = {};
		if (this.options.weekday == undefined
			&& this.options.year == undefined
			&& this.options.month == undefined
			&& == undefined
			&& this.options.hour == undefined
			&& this.options.minute == undefined
			&& this.options.second == undefined
			&& this.options.dateStyle == undefined
			&& this.options.timeStyle == undefined) this.options.year = this.options.month = = "numeric";
		this.DTFOptions = super.resolvedOptions();	// should hold all locale resolved information in DTFOptions.locale
		this.options.locale = this.DTFOptions.locale;
		this.options.calendar = (this.calendar != undefined && this.calendar.canvas != undefined) ? this.calendar.canvas : this.DTFOptions.calendar; 
		// set calendar option for standard DTF after calendar.canvas if specified, and re-compute DTF resolved options
		if (this.options.calendar != this.DTFOptions.calendar) { 
			this.DTFOptions.calendar = this.options.calendar 
			this.DTFOptions = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(this.DTFOptions.locale, this.DTFOptions).resolvedOptions();
		this.options.numberingSystem = this.DTFOptions.numberingSystem;
		this.options.timeZone = this.DTFOptions.timeZone;
		// next fields are only constructed if they are computed by Intl.DateTimeFormat
		if (this.DTFOptions.timeZoneName != undefined) this.options.timeZoneName = this.DTFOptions.timeZoneName;
		if (this.DTFOptions.dayPeriod != undefined) this.options.dayPeriod = this.DTFOptions.dayPeriod;
		if (this.DTFOptions.hourCycle != undefined) this.options.hourCycle = this.DTFOptions.hourCycle;
		delete this.options.hour12 // do not set to this.DTFOptions.hour12, because hourCycle holds the most complete information on how it should be managed.

		// Control and resolve specific options
		if (this.options.eraDisplay == undefined) this.options.eraDisplay = "auto";
		switch (this.options.eraDisplay) {
			case "always":	if (this.options.era == undefined) this.options.era = "short";
			case "auto": 	// we should insert here the preceding statement, however this can have impact if era is asked from the user.
			case "never": break;
			default: throw new RangeError ("Unknown option for displaying era: " + this.options.eraDisplay);
		// Review next statement after management of chinese/dangi calendars in Intl.DateTimeFormat
		if (this.options.eraDisplay == "auto"
			&& this.DTFOptions.year == undefined && this.DTFOptions.dateStyle == undefined && this.options.era == undefined) 
				this.options.eraDisplay = "never";
		if (this.calendar != undefined) {
			if (this.calendar.stringFormat == undefined) this.calendar.stringFormat = "auto";
			switch (this.calendar.stringFormat) {
				case "built-in" : case "fields" : case "auto" : break;
				default : throw new RangeError ("Unknown option for date string computing method ('auto', 'built-in' or 'fields'): " + this.calendar.stringFormat);
		// Prepare implied parameters for formatting
		this.lang = this.options.locale.includes("-") ? this.options.locale.substring (0,this.options.locale.indexOf("-")) : this.options.locale;
		this.figure1 = new Intl.NumberFormat (this.options.locale, {minimumIntegerDigits : 1, useGrouping : false});
		this.figure2 = new Intl.NumberFormat (this.options.locale, {minimumIntegerDigits : 2, useGrouping : false});
		this.figure4 = new Intl.NumberFormat (this.options.locale, {minimumIntegerDigits : 4, useGrouping : false});
		this.figure6 = new Intl.NumberFormat (this.options.locale, {minimumIntegerDigits : 6, useGrouping : false});

		// Resolve extended options for timeStyle and dateStyle
		if (this.options.timeStyle != undefined) {
			this.options.timeZoneName = this.options.timeStyle == "full" ? "long" : "short";
			this.options.hour = this.options.minute = this.options.second = "2-digit"; 
			delete this.options.fractionalSecondDigits;
			switch (this.options.timeStyle) {
				case "short" : delete this.options.second;
				case "medium" : delete this.options.timeZoneName;
				case "long" : case "full": ;		// options.timeZoneName already computed
			delete this.options.timeStyle;
		if (this.options.dateStyle != undefined) {
			delete this.options.weekday; = "numeric"; this.options.month = "short"; this.options.year = "numeric";
			switch (this.options.dateStyle)  {
				case "medium" : break; 
				case "short" : = this.options.month = "2-digit"; break;
				case "full" : this.options.weekday = "long";
				case "long" : this.options.month = "long";
			delete this.options.dateStyle;
		// Resolve numeric options for date and time elements: day or hour elements' 2-digit options overwrite other numeric options of other date resp. time elements.
		if ( == "2-digit" && this.options.month != undefined && this.options.month == "numeric") this.options.month = "2-digit";
		if (this.options.hour == "2-digit" && this.options.minute != undefined) this.options.minute = "2-digit";
		if (this.options.minute == "2-digit" && this.options.second != undefined) this.options.second = "2-digit";
		// Special options for month
		this.monthContext =  // the context for month may be 'format' or 'stand-alone'
				( == null && this.options.year == null) ? 'stand-alone' : 'format';
		if (this.options.month != undefined) {
			this.monthWidth = "";
			switch (this.options.month) {	// analyse month asked option, deduct month display option
				case "numeric" : case "2-digit": this.monthWidth = "numeric"; break;
				case "narrow":	this.monthWidth = "narrow" ; break;
				case "short": this.monthWidth = "abbreviated"; break; 
				case "long" : this.monthWidth = "wide"; break;
		// Special options for days of week
		this.dayContext = ( == null && this.options.month == null && this.options.year == null) ? 'stand-alone' : 'format';
		// stringFormat "fields" option is only possible with a canvas calendar that uses Roman months
		if (this.calendar != undefined && this.calendar.stringFormat == "fields") switch (this.calendar.canvas) {
			case "iso8601": case "gregory": case "buddhist": case "japanese": case "roc": break;
			default : throw new RangeError ("Canvas formatting implemented only from gregory-like built-in calendars: " + this.calendar.canvas);
		// Exclude lunar calendar models as canvas - for now...
	}	// end constructor
	/** The names of the fields necessary to fully characterise a date in any calendar.
	 * @static
	 * @return {string[]} the names of the minimum fields necessary for an unambiguous date.
	static dateFieldNames () { return ["era", "year", "month", "day"] }
	/** The universal keys for the weekdays of the standard 7-days week, used in CLDR and to be used with a Private Locale Data Repository.
	* @static
	* @param {number} index 0 to 6.
	* @return {string} a three-character string for the weekday.
	static weekdayKey (i) { return ["sun", "mon", "tue", "wed", "thu", "fri", "sat"][i] }	// the keys used for weekdays in CLDR, use the same for PLDR
	/** the resolved options for this object, that slightly differ from those of Intl.DateTimeFormat.
	 * @return {Object} the options revised to reflect what will be provided. eraDisplay is also resolved. hour12 is never returned.
	resolvedOptions() { 
		return this.options
	/** Should era be displayed for a given date in reference calendar ? Manage eraDisplay option.
	* @private
	* @param {Object} aDate	- the given date with its calendar and options.
	* @return {Boolean}	whether era should be displayed.
	displayEra (aDate) {
		let date = new ExtDate(this.calendar, aDate.valueOf());
		switch (this.options.eraDisplay) {
			case "never" : return false;
			case "always": if (this.calendar != undefined && this.calendar.eras == null) { return false } else return true;	// if custom calendar has no era, return false
			case "auto":
				if ((this.options.year == null && this.options.era == null)	// Neither year option nor era option set
					|| (this.calendar != undefined && this.calendar.eras == null))		// this calendar has no era whatsoever
					return false;
				var today = new ExtDate(this.calendar);
				if (this.calendar == undefined) {	// a built-in calendar, let us just compare with a particular formatting - with Temporal, this part of code is cancelled
								// era : "short" is the better choice to get a discriminant era. "long" may lead to no era field at all !
					let yearOption = (this.options.calendar == "chinese" || this.options.calendar == "dangi") ? undefined : "numeric", 
							// "chinese" and "dangi" calendars: era field only available if year field not asked ! 
						eraFormat = new Intl.DateTimeFormat ( this.options.locale, { calendar : this.options.calendar, 
							weekday : "narrow", // in order to avoid a change of displayed fileds if only era field is present
							year : yearOption, era : "short" } ),
						dateParts = eraFormat.formatToParts(date),
						todaysParts = eraFormat.formatToParts(today),
						eraIndex = dateParts.findIndex(item => item.type == "era"),
						todayEraIndex = todaysParts.findIndex(item => item.type == "era");	// those indexes may be different !
					if (eraIndex >= 0) { return todayEraIndex < 0 ? true : (dateParts[eraIndex].value !== todaysParts[todayEraIndex].value) }
					else return false; // no era part found in date to be displayed, do not atempt to display 
				else 	// a custom calendar with era, simplier to use
					return this.calendar.fieldsFromCounter(date.toResolvedLocalDate (this.options.timeZone).valueOf()).era 
						!== this.calendar.fieldsFromCounter(today.toResolvedLocalDate (this.options.timeZone).valueOf()).era ;
	/** Fetch a value from a Private Locale Date Repository (PLDR).
	 * @private
	 * @param {string} name		- name of the date field (era / month / dayofweek).
	 * @param {string} fieldOption	- specific field option that depend on the context and may differ from 'this.options'.
	 * @param {number|string} value	- field value for the date field in ExtDate "bag".
	 * @param {string}	variant		- "leap" for the name of an intercalary month used with a luni-solar calendar.
	 * @return {string} the string value for this date field.
	pldrFetch (calendarbase, name, fieldOption, value, variant='') {
		let selector = "", Xpath1 = "", node = {}, result = "";
		switch (name) {
			case "era" :	// analyse era options here since at construction it is not known whether era shall be displayed
				switch (fieldOption) { 
					case "long" : selector = "eraNames"; break;
					case "short": selector = "eraAbbr"; break;
					case "narrow":selector = "eraNarrow"; break;
				Xpath1 = "/pldr/ldmlBCP47/calendar[@type='"+calendarbase+"']/eras/"+selector
					+"/era[@type=" + value + "]";
				node = this.calendar.pldr.evaluate(Xpath1, this.calendar.pldr, null, XPathResult.STRING_TYPE, null);
				result = node.stringValue;
				// language specific ?
				Xpath1 = "/pldr/ldml/identity/language[@type='"+this.lang
					+"/era[@type=" + value + "]";
				node = this.calendar.pldr.evaluate(Xpath1, this.calendar.pldr, null, XPathResult.STRING_TYPE, null);
				if (node.stringValue != "") result = node.stringValue; // If found, replace international name with language specific one.
				return result; break;
			case "month": 	// this.monthWidth may be initiated with month being numeric.
				Xpath1 = "/pldr/ldmlBCP47/calendar[@type='"+calendarbase+"']/months/monthContext[@type='"+this.monthContext
					+"']/monthWidth[@type='" + this.monthWidth
					+"']/month[@type="+ value + (variant == "" ? "]" : "][@yeartype='" + variant + "']");
				node = this.calendar.pldr.evaluate(Xpath1, this.calendar.pldr, null, XPathResult.STRING_TYPE, null);
				result = node.stringValue;
				// Search if a language specific name exists
				Xpath1 = "/pldr/ldml/identity/language[@type='"+this.lang
					+"']/monthWidth[@type='" + this.monthWidth
					+"']/month[@type=" + value + (variant == "" ? "]" : "][@yeartype='" + variant + "']");
				node = this.calendar.pldr.evaluate(Xpath1, this.calendar.pldr, null, XPathResult.STRING_TYPE, null);
				if (node.stringValue != "") result = node.stringValue; // If found, replace international name with language specific one.
				if (result == "")		// no result obtained, give a number, or a 2-digit number if this option is set.
					result = fieldOption == "2-digit" ? this.figure2.format(value) : this.figure1.format(value);
				// Add the intercalary month marker; zero or one mark before or after the month indication.
				if (variant != '') { 
					let markbefore = "", markafter = "";
					Xpath1 = "/pldr/ldmlBCP47/calendar[@type='"+calendarbase+"']/months/monthContext[@type='"+this.monthContext
						+"']/monthWidth[@type='" + this.monthWidth
					node = this.calendar.pldr.evaluate(Xpath1, this.calendar.pldr, null, XPathResult.STRING_TYPE, null);
					markbefore = node.stringValue; 
					Xpath1 = "/pldr/ldmlBCP47/calendar[@type='"+calendarbase+"']/months/monthContext[@type='"+this.monthContext
						+"']/monthWidth[@type='" + this.monthWidth
					node = this.calendar.pldr.evaluate(Xpath1, this.calendar.pldr, null, XPathResult.STRING_TYPE, null);
					markafter = node.stringValue; 
					// Search if a language specific mark exists
					Xpath1 = "/pldr/ldml/identity/language[@type='"+this.lang
						+"']/monthWidth[@type='" + this.monthWidth
					node = this.calendar.pldr.evaluate(Xpath1, this.calendar.pldr, null, XPathResult.STRING_TYPE, null);
					if (node.stringValue != "") { // If found, replace international mark with language specific one.
						markbefore = node.stringValue; markafter = '';
					Xpath1 = "/pldr/ldml/identity/language[@type='"+this.lang
						+"']/monthWidth[@type='" + this.monthWidth
					node = this.calendar.pldr.evaluate(Xpath1, this.calendar.pldr, null, XPathResult.STRING_TYPE, null);
					if (node.stringValue != "") { // If found, replace international mark with language specific one.
						markafter = node.stringValue; markbefore = '';
				result = markbefore +  result + markafter;
				return result;
			case "weekday": 
				switch (fieldOption) {
					case "long" : selector = this.dayContext == "format" ? "wide" : "wide"; break;
					case "short": selector = this.dayContext == "format" ? "abbreviated" : "short"; break;
					case "narrow":selector = this.dayContext == "format" ? "short" : "narrow"; break;
				Xpath1 = "/pldr/ldmlBCP47/calendar[@type='"+calendarbase+"']/days/dayContext[@type='"+this.dayContext
					+"']/day[@type=" + value + "]";
				node = this.calendar.pldr.evaluate(Xpath1, this.calendar.pldr, null, XPathResult.STRING_TYPE, null);
				result = node.stringValue;
				// Search if a language specific name exists
				Xpath1 = "/pldr/ldml/identity/language[@type='"+this.lang
					+"']/day[@type=" + value + "]",
				node = this.calendar.pldr.evaluate(Xpath1, this.calendar.pldr, null, XPathResult.STRING_TYPE, null);
				if (node.stringValue != "") result = node.stringValue; // If found, replace international name with language specific one.
				return result; break;
	/** Extended FormatToParts method.
	 * The custom calendar is used for display. 
	 * The eraDisplay option controls whether the era field is displayed.
	 * Field asked as "numeric" are not changed to "2-digit".
	 * In left-to-right languages, the "numeric" option fot time fields implies the " h ", " min " and " s " marks instead of ":".
	 * @param {Object} aDate	- the date to be displayed.
	 * @return {Object[]} like the Intl.DateTimeFormat, but enhanced.
	formatToParts (aDate) {	
		// Prepare parameters
		let	date = new ExtDate (this.calendar, aDate),
			options = {...this.options},
			displayEraOfDate = this.displayEra(date); // should Era for this date be displayed

		if (!displayEraOfDate) delete options.era // Alas, this is not enough
		else if (options.era == null) options.era = "short";

		// Determine the date fields (the Temporal Date numeric + era code elements) using UTC representation of expected date
		let myAbsoluteDate = new ExtDate (this.calendar,date.toResolvedLocalDate (options.timeZone).valueOf()), // this the absolute date to print in UTC.
			myParts = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(options.locale, options).formatToParts(date), // first try, in desired language and timeZone
			myPartsTZ = myParts.find (item => (item.type == "timeZoneName")),
			myTZ = (myPartsTZ != undefined) ? myPartsTZ.value : null;	// Remember Time zone name since we compute on UTC date values.
		if (this.calendar != undefined) {
			myDateFields = this.calendar.fieldsFromCounter (myAbsoluteDate.valueOf()); // the fields of the date in the calendar, not TZ-dependant.
			// add default values of optional month fields
			if (myDateFields.monthType == undefined) myDateFields.monthType = myDateFields.month; 	// myDateFields.monthType is still a number.
			try {
				Object.assign(myDateFields, this.calendar.weekFieldsFromCounter (myAbsoluteDate.valueOf()));	// Add week-related fields, including "weekday".
			catch (e) {}	// week fields may not have been implemented. 
		if (this.calendar != undefined && this.calendar.stringFormat == "fields") {	
			// order of parts is OK, but parts should be computed from fields. Week is considered OK. 'canvas' calendar is Roman.
			options.timeZone = "UTC";
			let myCanvasFields = {...myDateFields};
			let shiftDate = new Date (myAbsoluteDate.valueOf());
			shiftDate.setUTCFullYear(myDateFields.fullYear, myCanvasFields.month-1, 1); // desired year and month, day set to 1.
			let myDOWPart = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(options.locale, {calendar : options.calendar, weekday : options.weekday, timeZone : "UTC" }).format(myAbsoluteDate);
			myParts = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(options.locale, options).formatToParts(shiftDate); // desired month, day = 1.
			// Now put week day, day, and time zone name for these calendars
			if (myParts.findIndex( (item) => item.type == "weekday") >=0 ) myParts.find( (item) => item.type == "weekday").value = myDOWPart;
			if (myParts.findIndex( (item) => item.type == "day") >=0 ) 
				myParts.find( (item) => item.type == "day").value 
					= == "2-digit" ? this.figure2.format( : this.figure1.format(;
			if (myTZ != null) myParts.find (item => (item.type == "timeZoneName")).value = myTZ;
			//if (myParts.findIndex( (item) => item.type == "year") >=0 ) myParts.find( (item) => item.type == "year").value = ""+(myDateFields.year); // the "original" year
			//if (myParts.findIndex( (item) => item.type == "era") >=0 ) myParts.find( (item) => item.type == "era").value = ""+(myDateFields.era); // the coded era
		if (this.calendar != undefined && this.calendar.partsFormat != undefined) {
			// some ICU computations have to be anticipated here
			myParts.forEach( function (item, i) { 
				if (this.calendar.partsFormat[item.type] != undefined ) switch (this.calendar.partsFormat[item.type].mode){
					case "cldr" : break; // already computed
					case "field" : switch (item.type) {
						case "year" : switch (options.year) {
							case "2-digit" : // Authorised only if displayed year is strictly positive, and with a quote.
								myParts[i].value = (myDateFields.year > 0) 
									? ("'" + this.figure2.format(myDateFields.year % 100)) 
									: this.figure1.format(myDateFields.year);
							case "numeric" : myParts[i].value = this.figure1.format(myDateFields.year); break;
							} break;
						case "day": switch ( {
							case "2-digit" : myParts[i].value = this.figure2.format(; break;
							case "numeric" : myParts[i].value = this.figure1.format(; break;
							} break;
						default : // insert field directly, blank if undefined
							myParts[i].value = myDateFields[item.type] == undefined ? "" : myDateFields[item.type] ; break; 
						} break; 
					case "list" : switch (item.type) {
						case "era" : myParts[i].value = this.calendar.partsFormat[item.type].source[this.calendar.partsFormat[item.type].codes.indexOf(myDateFields[item.type])];
						case "month": switch (options.month) {
							case "2-digit" : myParts[i].value = this.figure2.format(myDateFields.month); break;
							case "numeric" : myParts[i].value = this.figure1.format(myDateFields.month); break;
							default : myParts[i].value = this.calendar.partsFormat[item.type].source[myDateFields.monthType - 1]; break;
							// the month name is chosen after monthType, not month, to cater with lunisolar calendars.
						} break;
						case "weekday" : myParts[i].value = this.calendar.partsFormat[item.type].source[myDateFields[item.type]-1]; break;
						default : // other fields are numeric, not subject to lists;
						} break;
					case "pldr" : 		// fake ICU computations using pldr. 
						//	myInitialParts = {...myParts}; // Initial code was nested the reverse way.
						// myParts = ( ({type, value}) => { // .map may not map to itself
						let calendarname = this.calendar.partsFormat[item.type].calname;
						if (calendarname == undefined) calendarname = this.calendar.canvas == undefined ? : this.calendar.canvas;
						switch (item.type) {
							case "era": myParts[i].value = this.pldrFetch (calendarname,"era",options.era,
								this.calendar.eras.indexOf(myDateFields[item.type])); break;
							case "year": switch (options.year) {
								case "2-digit" : // Authorised only if displayed year is strictly positive, and with a quote.
									myParts[i].value = (myDateFields.year > 0) ? ("'" + this.figure2.format(myDateFields.year % 100)) : this.figure1.format(myDateFields.year);
								case "numeric" : myParts[i].value = this.figure1.format(myDateFields.year); 
							case "month" : switch (options.month) {	// like with CLDR, displayed month number may differ from type corresponding to month name.
								case "numeric" : case "2-digit": // here the month number is displayed
									myParts[i].value = this.pldrFetch (calendarname,"month", options.month, myDateFields.month); 
								default :	// here the month name shall be computed
									myParts[i].value = this.pldrFetch (calendarname,"month", options.month, myDateFields.monthType, myDateFields.leapMonth); 
							case "day": switch ( {
								case "2-digit" : myParts[i].value = this.figure2.format(; break;
								case "numeric" : myParts[i].value = this.figure1.format(; break;
							case "weekday": 
								let key = this.calendar.partsFormat.weekday.key;
								if ( key == undefined ) key = ExtDateTimeFormat.weekdayKey;	// a function
								myParts[i].value = this.pldrFetch (calendarname,"weekday", options.weekday, key(myDateFields.weekday)); break;
							case "hour": switch (options.hour) {
								case "numeric" :	// This option is often tranformed in 2-digit with ":" separators, force to individual printing
									let ftime = new Intl.DateTimeFormat (options.locale, {timeZone : options.timeZone, hour : "numeric", timeZoneName : "short"}),
										tparts = ftime.formatToParts(myAbsoluteDate), tindex = tparts.indexOf ( (item) => item.type == "hour" );
									myParts[i].value = this.figure1.format(tparts[tindex].value); 
								case "2-digit": break;	// do nothing, formatting already done.
							case "minute": switch (options.minute) {
								case "numeric" :	// This option is often tranformed in 2-digit with ":" separators, force to individual printing
									let ftime = new Intl.DateTimeFormat (options.locale, {timeZone : options.timeZone, minute : "numeric", timeZoneName : "short"}),
										tparts = ftime.formatToParts(myAbsoluteDate), tindex = tparts.indexOf ( (item) => item.type == "minute" );
									myParts[i].value = this.figure1.format(tparts[tindex].value); 
								case "2-digit": break;	// do nothing, formatting already done.
							case "second": switch (options.second) {
								case "numeric" :	// This option is often tranformed in 2-digit with ":" separators, force to individual printing
									let ftime = new Intl.DateTimeFormat (options.locale, {timeZone : options.timeZone, second : "numeric", timeZoneName : "short"}),
										tparts = ftime.formatToParts(myAbsoluteDate), tindex = tparts.indexOf ( (item) => item.type == "second" );
									myParts[i].value = this.figure1.format(tparts[tindex].value);
								case "2-digit": break;	// do nothing, formatting already done.
							default : throw new RangeError ("Unknown date field: " + item.type);
							}	// End of switch on item.type
						break;	// End of "pldr" case
					}	// End of switch on (this.calendar.partsFormat[item.type].mode)
			} 		// end of forEach function body
			,this);	// Inside the function, this should be the same as here
		}	// End of if (this.calendar.partsFormat != undefined)
		// Erase 2-digit effects on numeric-asked fields, not including related literals.
		// This operation is only done if language is not right-to-left written.
		if (!["ar","fa","he","ji","ug","ur","yi"].some (item => item == this.options.locale.substring(0,2),this)) {
			myParts.forEach ( function (item, i) {
				if (options[item.type] != undefined && options[item.type] == "numeric")	{	// Intl.DateTimeFormat often converts to 2-digit and inserts literals
					if (!isNaN(myParts[i].value)) myParts[i].value = this.figure1.format(item.value);
					switch (item.type) {
						// case "month" : case "day" : if (i+1 < myParts.length && myParts[i+1].value != ' ') myParts[i+1].value = ' '; break; // pb with month before year
						case "hour" : case "minute" : if (i+1 < myParts.length && [":","."].includes(myParts[i+1].value)) 
															myParts[i+1].value = item.type == "hour" ? " h " : " min "; break;
						case "second" : if (i+1 < myParts.length) { if (myParts[i+1].value == " ") myParts[i+1].value = " s " }
										else myParts.push({ type : "literal", value : " s"} );
		// suppress era part if required
		if (!displayEraOfDate) {
			let n = myParts.findIndex((item) => (item.type == "era")), nn = n;
			if (n >= 0) { // there is an undesired era section, check whether there is an unwanted literal connected to it
				if (nn > 0) { nn-- } else { nn++ }; // nn is index of era part neighbour.
				if (myParts[nn].type == "literal") myParts.splice (Math.min(n,nn),2) // Suppress era part and its neighbour
				else myParts.splice (n,1); 
	return myParts
	/** format, from computed parts, using extended FormatToParts.
	 * @param {Object} date		- the date to display.
	 * @return {string} the string to display.
	format (date) {
		let parts = this.formatToParts (date); // Compute components
		return{type, value}) => {return value;}).reduce((buf, part)=> buf + part, "");